Friends, countrymen, lend me your hand...:-)
Well, Tuesday's surgery on my shoulder and hand went well according to the doctors. The carpel tunnel surgery will take a while to see if completely effective but the doctor said that the nerves were really tight in the tunnel. The AC joint repair went well as well and I can already feel less pain in the shoulder even after the bone scraping and other cleanings.
Meanwhile, our lives are exciting in other ways. We are grateful that our house was put on the list to update and remodel. Before the surgery, they began to replace the vinyl tiles with ceramic. Now they are working on repainting the first floor. Steve spends a fair amount of time supervising (single handedly you could say). The tile is almost finished, the painting will really get underway on Monday. Fortunately, our neighbors are in the States so we have been able to use their kitchen and dining rooms. Their house is now referred to as the dinning hall. We hope to be finished by Thursday, at least for most part.
Amanda has taken on a new role this month to organize the New Parent Orientation (NPO). We will have around 200 parents, new students and siblings come for a 2 day orientation as part of welcoming them to RVA. The goal of the weekend is that parents can get a grip on the school system and all the activities as well as get help in how to meet the needs of their children. It is a lot to oversee and to organize but this is her strength to plan and organize.
Evan went to Tanzania for 12 days to visit some friends, pray for a safe trip back and and an easy crossing of the border. Nate got to go fly fishing for a 3 day trip and will help out painting this week. Janel is helping out as Dad's nurse and thankful that so many of her friends are still around on campus. So that is the update for now. Check out the photos and prayer need pages as well.